Although I found some of the Buffy and Angel comics in the local comic book shop (we have one just on our street actually), I was not able to find the numbers that were chosen. In the end, I downloaded them and just finished reading them with a very cool program called ComicBookLover (runs on Mac OSX). I must say, I was quite impressed by this program as it was very easy to use and handled both the page views and turning the page very nicely. Would highly recommend it for comic lovers alike.
But returning back to the books. Having only watched Buffy sporadically, and I am not sure that I ever saw Angel, I only had extremely vague recollections of what happened at the end of the Buffy series. So to then read the comic that takes place after the end of the TV series, I must say it was not all that easy to follow. I had to recall who was who and yet even then, I wasn't sure how all the characters ended up in the later stages of the series. So plot-wise, I was a bit lost.
I also have to admit that I haven't read many comic books in recent years, but it was fun to read these ones. I liked very much the tone of the writing, with the odd sarcastic comment or joke thrown in for good measure. I recall that Buffy was one for seeing the lighter side of things in the series, so it was nice to see that this element was continued in the comic. It seemed to me, however, that the Angel comic was much more darker, both in the images and the plot, compared to the Buffy comic. As I mentioned, I never saw the TV series of Angel, but if I remember correctly, it also seemed to be darker than Buffy. Is this indeed the case, or am I just imaging things? In that regard, is Buffy meant to appeal more to a female audience and Angel to men?